GW ICU Updated Processes
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- Multidisciplinary teams activation
- Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit
ECMO processes and guidelines
- ECMO Candidate Selection
- VV ECMO Clinical Practice Guideline
- VA ECMO Clinical Practice Guideline
- PT/OT for ECMO patients Clinical Practice Guideline
- Blood Bank
- Transplant
- Pharmacy/Medications
- Andexanet Algorithm: Andexanet Alfa to Emergently Reverse Factor Xa Inhibitors
- Profilnine Algorithm: Prothrombin Concentrate (PCC) to Emergently Reverse Warfarin
- Agitation Treatment in Non-Intubated Patients with Post-Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Phenobarbital alcohol withdrawal protocol
- Compassionate life support liberation
- Medications infusions and titration protocols
- Pharmacy Antibiogram
- GWUH Antimicrobial dose optimization guide
- 3% Hypertonic Saline infusion protocol
- Clevedipine use guidelines
- Trauma patients DVT prophylaxis guidelines
- Neurological processes
- Triage
- General Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Nutrition