Reference Number 423961
Protocol Number: B3166
Protocol Version: Revision 4
Version Date: 06 Sep 2022

Study Investigators
- PI: Danielle Davison, MD
- Sub-I: Katrina Hawkins, MD
- Sub-I: Lynn Abell, MD
- Sub-I: Mustafa Al-Mashat, MD
- Sub-I: Yoosif Abdalla, MD
Study Objectives
The objective of this trial is to identify suitable storage conditions for samples tested using the VIDAS® NCLTM CCL14 test for the full measuring range of the assay (0.2 ng/mL to 30 ng/mL).
Patient Population
See inclusion criteria below.
Inclusion Criteria
This study will utilize samples that have been collected from individuals who have consented to the use of samples in the AST-134 study and related studies such as the VIDAS® NCLTM CCL14 trial.
- Males and females 21 years of age or older
- Receiving care in an intensive care unit
- Expected to remain in the ICU for at least 48 hours after enrollment
- Use of indwelling urinary catheter as standard care at the time of enrollment
- Subject must have acute kidney injury (KDIGO Stage 2 or Stage 3) at the time of sample collection
- Urine sample must be collected within 36 hours of meeting KDIGO Stage 2 criteria
- Written informed consent provided by patient or legally authorized representative (LAR)
Exclusion Criteria
- Prior kidney transplantation
- Comfort-measures-only status
- Already receiving dialysis (either acute or chronic) or in imminent need of dialysis at the time of enrollment
- Known infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or active hepatitis (acute or chronic); (NOTE: HIV or hepatitis testing need not be performed for enrollment in this study.)
- Special populations, pregnant women, prisoners or institutionalized individuals
VIDAS patients are automatically co-enrolled in this protocol once enrolled into AST-134 TURQUOISE